Reports will be posted to this site as they are filed with the Burnet County Election Administrator’s Office. For more information on Campaign Finance Reports visit the Texas Ethics Commission website. Reports are listed below in alphabetical order by last name. Click on the candidate name to navigate to the record of your choice.
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Adams, Garry
Allen, Susan
Arredondo, Eddie
Bayless, Linda
Beierle, Damon
Bindseil, Debra
Bindseil, Missy
Boyd, Citizens for Calvin Boyd for Sheriff
Carrasco, Caleb
Collier, Chad
Crownover, Karrie
Davis, Colleen
Davis, Scott
Dockery, Joe Don
Dowdle, Angela
Escamilla, Melissa
Feild, Adrienne
Field, Richard
Fisher, DeAnne
Frazier, Sheri
Guenter, Leonard
Haddock, William
Headrick, Carey
Henson, Cody
Hurst, Jane Marie
Jett, Chris
Knowles, Donald
Leake, Chip
Luther, Jr. Jim
Luther, Sara A
McCormick, Stephanie
Nelson, Roxanne
Oakley, James
Parker, Janet
Ray, Leslie
Reilly, Frank
Rosser, Joseph
Russell, George
Savage, Randy
Sellers, Jeff
Simon, Peggy
Sorenson, Michael
Stafford, Vicinta
Stephens, Tom
Trevino, Alan
Walker, Casie
Wall, Billy
Will, Homer
Woerner, Cord
Whitehead, Lisa